Videos of talks given at the Bernstein Conference 2012
Moshe Abeles - Binding activities among cortical areas
Greg de Angelis - Neural computations underlying optimal multisensory cue integration
Kwabena Boahen - Neurogrid: Simulating a million neurons and a billion synapses in real-time with sixteen neuromorphic chips
Shaul Druckmann - Overcomplete representations and neuronal circuit dynamics
Gaute Einevoll - How local is the Local Field Potential?
Christof Koch - Project MindScope-Building Brain Observatories
Gabriel Kreiman - Temporal constraints for visual object recognition: neurophysiological, behavioural and computational approaches
Máté Lengyel - Internal models of ferrets and men
Maryann Martone - Big data from small data: A deep survey of neuroscience data via the Neuroscience Information Framework
Tomaso Poggio - A sketch of a theory of visual cortex
Alexandre Pouget - Not Noisy, Just Wrong - the computational and neural cause of behavioral variability
Ranulfo Romo - Conversion of sensory signals into perceptual decisions
Bernhard Schoelkopf - Statistical and causal learning
Jochen Triesch - Self-organization and unsupervised learning in recurrent networks